Thank You.


LINK’D THE LABEL was born in a year of hardship, loss and pain for the entire world.  A year in which many lost their jobs, businesses, homes, and some of us even lost friends and loved ones. 

2020 has taught us to prioritize what really matters and be grateful for what we are and what we have because life is fragile and time is limited.  

A new year gives us an opportunity to look backwards to absorb the good and learn from the bad in order to approach what’s coming with growth and positivity. This lesson also defines the way LINK’D is built. We work with love and always prioritizing what is most important, because more is not always better. Better is better. 

A new year doesn’t eliminate the problems we face but it gives us hope that things will get better. Looking forward, we decided that the best approach might not be to focus on the ending of 2020 but rather on the beginning of 2021. 

2021 is a year of beginnings

Begin to work on our personal goals. 

Begin that project we never started. 

Begin to bring peace to that problem we put aside. 

Begin that initiative to help the cause we believe in. 

Begin to be everyday a better version of ourselves. 

Begin to BE more. 

With that said, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for believing in us and allowing us to do what we love!  

Carla & Andrea 

1 comment

  • cheska

    congratulations girls !
    hope 2021 will open all the doors for your goals!

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